wsc單飛, 墮落五人組, 最後的團聚.....
這一天, 我們一行十三人, 約好在山腳下碰面... 結果, 那些遲到的傢伙... 害我跑去一日遊, 還沒得去逛pasar malam... typical 的爛友...... T_T
耀哥sponsored的, Carlsberg of the Night~~~
還有... omg~~~
Not me not me, I didn't bought them....
這次的損友會沒有喝到爛醉, 真是讓我感到驚奇萬分...
我竟然沒有喝到吐, 而且還帶著一大支剩下的Green Lable回家... 真是......
聊著天, 等待天亮的光暉... 時間飛逝地特快...... 清晨微微的冷風吹來, 溫暖的心夾帶著害怕, 因為深深地知道, 這次的相聚, 已走到了尾聲...... 不遠處, 傳來一陣陣的蟲鳴聲, 還有熟悉的, 來自回教堂的祈禱...... 心裡暗自地不願為這一夜畫下句點.
"前無古人, 后無來者."
我們來自不同的州署,卻擁有相同的baja hitam童年... 因為各自不同的原因, 步入同一所學校, 因為不同的原因, 進了武術學會......
然而, 只有一個原因, 讓我們一起走到了今天 ---- 這是屬於我們的, 專屬緣份.
願我的思念, 在文字裡, 給你祝福......
警察宿舍的聚會, 功德圓滿.....
成功地打鞭爐, 感覺很好... 味道也不錯... 小對不起reb辛苦搞定的sotong, 真是我買到不新鮮了...... @_@
耀哥sponsored的, Carlsberg of the Night~~~
還有... omg~~~
Not me not me, I didn't bought them....
這次的損友會沒有喝到爛醉, 真是讓我感到驚奇萬分...
我竟然沒有喝到吐, 而且還帶著一大支剩下的Green Lable回家... 真是......
令人澎湃的, 還有的就是得知武術club倒閉. 真的是他媽的dulan..... 怎麼會是這樣的結局, 什麼鬼舞獅團雞白, 凴甚麼毀掉九年來前人辛苦創辦與建立的學會!!!! 你他媽的要辦舞獅, 自己去開舞獅學會!!! 凴甚麼把武術club吃掉, 變成你的學會!!! 他媽的奪取別人的成就, 和腐敗的政府有何區別...!
武術的精神, 華人的文化, 毀於一旦..... 我痛恨, 更痛心......
武術的精神, 華人的文化, 毀於一旦..... 我痛恨, 更痛心......
我們這一群, 因為武術而相遇的人, 還在這裡相依相聚... 卻也一起眼睜睜地看著學會倒閉......
人生, 如何地反覆... 只能願, 不能怨...... 再怎麼不願分開, 命運的軌道, 朝著我們無法預計的方程式, 任意運行...
人生, 如何地反覆... 只能願, 不能怨...... 再怎麼不願分開, 命運的軌道, 朝著我們無法預計的方程式, 任意運行...
損友會最後的三個survivor, 還是我們......
聊著天, 等待天亮的光暉... 時間飛逝地特快...... 清晨微微的冷風吹來, 溫暖的心夾帶著害怕, 因為深深地知道, 這次的相聚, 已走到了尾聲...... 不遠處, 傳來一陣陣的蟲鳴聲, 還有熟悉的, 來自回教堂的祈禱...... 心裡暗自地不願為這一夜畫下句點.
這一切, 芬蘭都沒有了吧...... 也不再有我們, 通宵地促膝長談......
我們這群sohai... 又怎麼可能會被遺忘.
"前無古人, 后無來者."
喜歡這一句~~~ wahahahaha~~~~~~
我們來自不同的州署,卻擁有相同的baja hitam童年... 因為各自不同的原因, 步入同一所學校, 因為不同的原因, 進了武術學會......
然而, 只有一個原因, 讓我們一起走到了今天 ---- 這是屬於我們的, 專屬緣份.
金馬侖的這兩天, 不斷飄著細雨... 彷彿也在為我們的分離落淚...... 下一次的相聚, 會在多久以後的未來......
沒有在損友的獻詞video裡給你說些甚麼... 小遺憾...... You know we always love you.
this entry is so good, it's off the chart!
Sorry if I didn't cry, thanks for organising the trip, it was the best farewell gift I've ever gotten!
You left out one thing, when we sang "Zhu Fu" together, it was the higlight of the gathering, and not even the cold weather outside could affect the warmest feeling we had in the room.
Lolz...some more got ppl complaint this is a gathering trip, not his farewell on the days before... make my heart broken... T_T
yalor... the 祝福, si RM4 lah, merge the video, if not i'll upload it... @_@
Ahaha... I'm glad u all enjoy the trip lah~~
waiting for u to come back malaysia for another gathering...
Ur entry seriously make me sad ar pui mui,wuwuwuwuwuuu.........
wsc,dun leave la!stay in mlk n b a good least v know u r still here....stepping on the same ground,breathing the same air,chatting on same topic.....etc all this will be gone once u leave~~~the moment u all leave mmu n dumped me,reb n ps like happened yday n now u r leaving to finland sumore,sighhhhh~~~time flies!!!
all the joy n laughter tht v had in my UG i will nvr nvr nvr nvr nvrrrrrrrr forget!!!!n oso damn sum tung to see wushu club collapse....:'( i dare not say i put in alot of 'heart blood' in it,but i dare to say tht i got deep feeling in tht club....especially walking through those days vf u all......
T_T cry bah.....
Hi... Long time din hear anything fr u d.. How things getting on in new place? Bk BP this coming Raya? Got time for tea? Jz received rene offline msg some time ago... Asking if we bk BP kena check whether she is around not so tht we can yum cha tgthr...
Accidentally bump in King in ym some time ago... Were talking bout lateh in Bp kind of stuff as well...
Y i said bump in.. It is a real funny coincidence, share wif u when we meet next round...
Duno why, this month seem to be a month of missing old pals, my latest blog post is on friendship kind stuff as well... Ahhahahaaa
this is called 心有灵犀一点通?
AHhahahaa.. take care, wish you well...
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